Open: 9.00 AM - 7.00 PM


We Maintain Excellence In Auto Service.
Introduction: The check engine light: that dreaded glowing symbol on your car’s dashboard that can send shivers down any driver’s spine. While it may
One of the most common and concerning issues faced by car owners is an overheating engine. Engine overheating can occur due to various reasons,
At crown auto service we follow a simple work process where we provide value for our services, usually when we start doing a job
We at crown auto service use spare parts that are hand vetted by us, before we use a particular brand of parts we install
There is a major difference in washing your car at home and washing it at the car wash, cars that are always washed at
Why do engines overheat? There are many reasons for engine overheating, the main reason for an engine to overheat is The cooling system or
The short answer is it saves you time, money and stress. The long answer is our technicians follow a process of doing a periodic

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